Legal information

Updated on 06.12.19 This is a faithful translation. In case of discrepancies, the French version is applied.

Terms of use

The "Naito One" website is operated by the Naito One Winkelmann company.

External links

This website might include hypertext links to other websites on the Internet that are not managed by Naito One. Naito One cannot guarantee the safety and integrity of thoses websites. Visit theses sites at your own risks.

Intellectual property

Images on this website are either in the public domain, or the property of the Naito One company, except the logos of our clients, or specifically annotated images, which are the property of their respective authors.

No guarantee

Naito One doesn't guarantee the exactitude of the information available on this website.
The information can be modified at any time.

Naito One cannot be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the website or it's information.

Pricavy policy

Data gathering

We believe that privacy is paramount on the Internet. That is why our data gathering policy is very straight forward.
If you enable "Do Not Track" in your browser, we respect it and do not keep any data about you.
Otherwise, we keep only the following data in order to better understand how our website is used.

When you contact us by email, we gather all the information neccessary in order to handle your inquire.

When you browse the Naito One website, we determine your language only using your browser's language.

Cookies and web technologies

When you browse the website, or change the display language, we store that language in your browser in order to remember it on your next visit.

We do not store any other information in your browser.

Third parties

Our website is hosted on the Github servers. Because of that, they are likely to log your visits for a while.


We take the security of your data and your use of the service very seriously. We follow the latest recommendations in Internet security and constantly keep our services up to date.

If you have discovered a security issue you can get in touch at We will take action as soon as possible.